Sunday, October 5, 2008

Goody Goody Gumdrops!

I have a couple new posts on my cooking blog also!!!


kate moss said...

Thanks for leaving your nice comment on my blog. I got that fabric damask from ebaby about 6 months ago.
Hope this helps!

Anonymous said...

I don't have a blogger account, so can only comment on this site--not goody goody gumdrops . . . but have to say I love the aprons!
Interested to know what effect you think the water in the baking soda has. I have a recipe very similar to yours for choco chip cookies, (which I think is the best in the world) but that is one difference between them. I also add a tiny bit more flour than what is called for--it makes them full and not flat.

Great posts--fun playground, I enjoyed dad drawing fish, etc.