Gabby and Emi. One of Em's favorite girl friends is in her class this year.
Coming and . . .
. . . going. That backpack was HEAVY!!! The Kleenex, not so much.
Buckling in.
Lining up. Mr. Williams is in the background.
Sam was excited to have an old friend in his new class. Mr. Bolar is in the background.
Ready to go.
The Shades and a new hair cut.
Loves the bling.
With the wind in her hair . . .
. . . she is off!!!
Here we are again! I can't believe we went through a whole school year, a summer and are starting another year! Whoa, life is speedy quick. Each new year makes me nostalgic for the last but excited for the next.
Sam is starting at Greenview Upper Elementary School. He is on team Athens and has Mr. Bolar this year. His team will rotate between 3 teachers and he is excited to be doing bigger things.
Emily is starting her last year at Rowland Elementary. She has Mr. Williams and is super excited. She has had the exact same teachers Sam had through all of his years at Rowland and they think that is pretty cool. She tested into the district's gifted program called STEP UP and is excited to be bused to Greenview Elementary once a week where she will be one of 16 kids in a gifted class.
Sam and Em now both have opinions about their clothes, hair and this year SHADES. Love them!!! (The kids that is, though the sunglasses are cute too.)