Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Parks in the City - I've Been Inspired

Greetings from Cleveland! I have been so inspired from all you other blogsters out there to start my own. I always have tons of pictures and stories I think I should share and never do, so hopefully this will be my inspiration. I am feeling pretty lost though about how all of this works so forgive me while I figure things out.

This poor little guy is just the first picture I could find to download. He actually caught himself when we took the kids fishing at Lake Erie a couple of weeks ago. Danny and I fished for a long time and didn't even get a bite. The kids fished for about minute and then went to play in the sand. Danny threw Emily's line out into the lake and just left it there. When we decided it was time to go, after watching an amazing sunset over the lake, Danny started bringing in Emily's line and lo and behold, we had caught a pet. Atleast that's what the kids thought, but once we explained that wouldn't work all Sam cared about was seeing its bones :-) I think this is going to be fun.

1 comment:

Jessica said...

I am glad that Sam took the news well about the fish not being a pet.